Uncover hidden insights in real-time and surface anomalies with ADF (Anomaly Detection Framework) at its visual dashboard for further exploration. Our anomaly detection framework can detect anomalies in financial transactions, insurance claims, customer behavior, telecommunication data, and computer networks, and monitor your revenue or costs at the lowest granularity level. This framework is well suited for predictive maintenance, production or revenue monitoring, and any other complex systems or processes.
ADF processes a comprehensive set of time series and data clusters. Thanks to a wide range of algorithms that leverage statistical and machine learning methods, it can report significant outliers or clusters reported to the user. The user can give feedback to the system and thus regulate the number of anomalies received for analysis and teach the system what an anomaly is and what is not.
ADF is a modular and extensible system. Therefore, it is flexible and suitable for the different types of problems and anomalies you are identifying. We connect the platform to your reporting system and optionally customize the graphical user interface. The whole system is deployable by REST API, on-premises, in the cloud, or hosted.
The platform can detect outliers, anomalies, and unwanted behavior in large and complex data, such as computer network data or financial and audit data. ADF can detect novel cybersecurity threats or unknown malware types, find errors and unmatched records in financial transactions, and wade through company balance sheets to reveal emerging risks. This platform also improves the product quality and uptime of production lines. ADF analyses data from sensors on production lines, looking for early warnings leading to a potential malfunction.